Executive rentals are exclusive rentals that are offered to companies to house traveling executives and other senior staff in. Employees that travel a lot and that prefer the comfort of an apartment rather than having to stay in a hotel. An executive rental needs to keep a higher standard than a regular rental and need to be fully furnished. You will also need to provide cleaning service.
The benefit with executive rentals is that you can charge a lot higher rent than you can for a regular rental in the same area. Tenants usually do not stay for very long in one of these rentals but if you offer a good rental you can usually cooperate with a number of larger companies and have a near full occupancy. This is especially true if you specialize in executive rentals and offer several different units making you a convenient choice for local companies when they need to rent a executive rental.
Executive rentals are not suitable for all markets. They are mainly suitable for capitals, large cities and industrial centers. Smaller cities without many larger companies are not a good choice for executive rentals. There are smaller cities that are good choices for this type of rental. En example of this is small cities that house the corporate headquarters of one or several large international companies.
Apartments are usually more suitable than houses to be made into executive rentals. Some houses will however make good executive rentals and sometimes it possible to turn one house in to several executive rentals.
Executive rentals need to be well located close to a corporate headquarters or in the city center. The unit should offer easy access to shopping, restaurants and nightlife. The apartment should be given a high end finish with an exclusive kitchen and bathroom. All furniture should be chosen to give a strict , modern and exclusive feel. Make sure that the kitchen have full sets of glasses, plates and utensils. Make sure that there are glassed for different types of alcoholic beverages present. Always buy extra plates and glasses so you easily can replace anything that breaks.
Extra luxuries such as espresso machines and mixers are recommended. We also recommend that you always provide all new arrivals with a gift basket containing gourmet food and a good spirit. This is not required but helps create a good relation. If the guest tell the person responsible for renting executive rentals that your place is good it can generate a lot more business for you. A gift basket is great for word of mouth marketing and a very cheap way to attract more business in the future.
Always make sure to keep your executive rentals in immaculate condition. Repaint all surfaces at least once a year and do whatever else is required to make sure the place feels new whenever a new guest arrives.
Companies pay a premium for executive rentals and expect the best. Give it to them and they will allow you to earn a lot of money.